To place an order, simply choose the product you like, in the colour/size you’re looking for, and click the orange ‘add to cart’ button. From here, you can either go directly to checkout, or you can continue shopping and click the basket icon in the top right when you’re ready to review your basket.
Once you’re on the basket page, you’ll be able to review the items in your basket. You’ll also be able to add an ‘order note’ if you have any specific delivery instructions. When you’re ready, click the ‘checkout’ button and proceed to checkout.
At checkout, you’ll be able to apply any valid discount codes. Next, input your shipping information, email address and phone number, so we can contact you to arrange delivery. Next, select the payment method you’d like to use and finish your order.
As soon as we receive your order, we’ll send you a confirmation email with a receipt, order number and the estimated delivery dates. All you have to do now is sit back and wait for your order to arrive.